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Tourism has become a very big 71 . For Spain, Italy and Greece it is the largest 72 of foreign exchange, and 73 for Britain, it is the fourth. Faced 74 this huge income, no government can afford to look 75 on the business; questions of hotel bath rooms, beach umbrellas and ice-cream sales are now 76 by ministers of tourism with solemn expertise. Before the Second World War the tourist industry was widely 77 as being unmanly and stupid. But 78 has become a new industry, as trade business used 79 ; in Spain, Italy, Greece and much of Eastern Europe, new road 80 have opened up in the country, first to tourists, and 81 to industry and locals. 82 of tourism is a nationalized industry, a 83 part of national planning. In a place west of Marseilles, the French government is killing mosquitoes and 84 six big vacation places to 85 nearly a million tourists. In Eastern Europe, a whole new seaside 86 has sprung up 87 the last few years the governments have greatly 88 when tourists from the West 89 from half a million four years 90 to nearly two million last year.
71. A. firm B. business C. company D. affair
72. A. factor B. resource C. source D. cause
73. A. even B. yet C. also D. ever
74. A. in front of B. of C. with D. for
75. A. up B. at C. for D. down
76. A. determined B. discussed C. argued D. sold
77. A. regardedB. said C. talked D. spread
78. A. agriculture B, warC. tourism D. education
79. A. be done B. done C. to doD. to doing
80. A, typesB. styles C, buildingsD. systems
81. A. than B. later C. then D. latter
82. A. Many B. All C. None D. Much
83. A. key B. minor C. linking D. questioning
84. A. built B. building C. to be built D. have built
85. A. attract B. pull C. holdD. contain
86. A. civilization B. culture C. writing D. book
87. A. overB, for C. after D. beyond
88. A. suffered B. los tC. invested D. benefited
89. A. added B. divided C. reduced D. multiplied
90. A. since B. before C. ago D. after
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