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- 3辽宁成考本科报名与毕业时间有关系吗
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- 62025年辽宁成考本科什么专业好考
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- 8辽宁成考报名实际年龄25岁,身份证24岁,可以加分吗?
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- 11辽宁成考可以要求住校吗?
- 12辽宁成考专科毕业后还可以继续升学吗
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- 152025年辽宁成考报名详细流程
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1.A. climbB. jobC. disturbD. club答案:A解析:A 项中 b 不发音,其他项里b 都发本音。2.A. sweaterB. meantC. pleasureD. pleased答案:D解析:A, B, C三个选项的单词中ea 都发/e/, D项的单词中ea发/i:/3.A. drunkB. dustyC. dutyD. drug答案:C解析:A, B, D三个选项的单词中u发/ ʌ /; C项中发/ju:/.4.A. breatheB. nothingC. clothesD. weather答案:B解析:A, C, D三个选项的单词中th 都发/ ð /, B项的单词中发/θ/5.A. proveB. rose C. wrote D. broke答案:A解析:B, C, D三个选项的单词中o都发/ əu /, A项的单词中发/u /。
6. Regular exercise can you against heart disease.A. fightB. protect C. keep D. support答案:B解析:词义辨析, 听讲座录音。7. Over a hundred people expressed their worries, but were willing to help.A. some B. manyC. few D. little答案:C解析:不定代词的用法,听讲座录音。8. You can't do anything else until you your homework.A. finished B. will finishC. have finishedD. had finished答案:C解析:时态辨析,听讲座录音。9. First draw a line the middle of the page. Then write a word in the space above the lineA. acrossB. overC. betweenD. within答案:A解析:介词的用法,听讲座录音。10, The manager had Ms. Brunell the new assistant around yesterday.A. to show B. showed C. showingD. show答案:D解析:非谓语动词中某些动词宾补省略to的用法,听讲座录音。11. Send for a doctor quickly. The man .A. will dieB. is dying C. dies D. died答案:B解析:时态辨析,听讲座录音。12. I enjoy listening to Miss White, my English teacher, ,I can only understand about half of what she says.A. whenB. becauseC. ifD. though答案:D解析:关联词的用法,听讲座录音。13. The bag is very heavy. Come and lend me a hand, ?A. should youB. do you C. can you D. will you答案:D解析:祈使句的反意疑问形式,听讲座录音。14. After working for two hours, I found impossible to complete the paper in time.A. me B. thisC. that D. it答案:D解析:形式宾语的用法,听讲座录音。15. It was very kind of you to clean the office, though you .A. needn't doB. wouldn't haveC. didn't have toD. mustn't have done答案:C解析:情态动词的辨析,听讲座录音。16. The faster anything goes up into the sky, .A. it reaches the highestB. it reaches the higherC. the highest it reachesD. the higher it reaches答案:D,解析:形容词比较级的特殊结构,听讲座录音。17. Joe took his friends there by a shortcut, reduced the drive from 50 minutes to 15.A. whereB. whichC. thatD. what答案:B解析:定语从句的引导词辨析,听讲座录音。18. there like that, you remind me of your father.A. To sitB. Being sittingC. SittingD. Sit答案:C解析:非谓语动词中分词作状语的用法,听讲座录音。19. He told me that the number of students to be admitted at that time.A. had not been decided on B. were not decided onC. has not been decided onD. are not decided on答案:A解析:时态辨析,听讲座录音。20. Jack told his daughter that she could have she wanted for Christmas.A. whichB. whateverC. thatD. whenever答案:B解析:宾语从句的引导词辨析,听讲座录音。
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